Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Force Trainer

A simplified EEG-based game is the talk of the 2009 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Nevada. Using the Star Wars license to teach kids they have Professor X-like abilities, when all they're doing is learning to activate one part of their brain. This Force Trainer, priced at $90-$100, hooks up to your head via wireless headset and transmits your reading to the toy, which blows air and moves the ball up the chute. Like Brain Training for the DS, you level up gradually depending on your skill. Unlike Brain Training, the circuitry translates it to physical action. If you focus well enough, the training sphere, which looks like a ping-pong ball, will rise in the tower.

A state of deep concentration is needed to achieve a Force-full effect. Additionally, Star Wars sound effects and audio clips emitted from the base unit cues the user as to progress, level (from Padawan to Jedi), or when to move the sphere up or down to keep challenging yourself.

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