Tuesday, December 30, 2008


HOMEDICS has developed a reputation for delivering quality products that range from messaging chairs to ergonomic pillows. As a rule of thumb, when a product boasts the HOMEDIC name you can be sure it will be a hit. With that said, when we received the new Hydragel Messager as a christmas gift we were very excited.

The Hydragel Messager is a handheld personal messager that features 2-speed control for relaxing or invigorating message. In addition it also has a dampening system which isolates vibration to the massage head, and a soothing heat system for a more relaxing message.

While reviewing this product one main factor quickly jumped out. The heat message feature, which is the sole differentiating characteristic, simply does not work. The red "heat light" turns on, yet the heat is non existent. Fearing a defective unit, we replaced it for another one but the results were the same. Needless to say this was very disappointing at best. HOMEDICS has created a less than effective product and the Hydragel is to be avoided.

Final Word:

Product: HOMEDIC Hydragel
Model No: HG-20A
Result: Not Recommended

HOMEDICS has strong brand recognition and quality products, however we cannot in good faith recommend this product.

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